Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Micro Home and Related Energy Systems Going Into Production by Walt Barrett

Well I have been enjoying my yearly vacation in Florida, and have finally felt rested enough to do a little writing again.I am looking forward to getting back to work in February and going into production of our micro home and related systems like the continuous composting toilet, Solar 120 volt AC LED lighting system, grey water irrigation disposal system,and the solar hot water heater, and heat storage systems. Our goals are a home that is totally off the power grid, and to create jobs locally in the communities where the home will be produced. Another important goal is to mass produce these homes at prices so low that any working person or family will find then easily affordable. We are currently investigating all of the most modern building materials and building methods that we can find and would appreciate any suggestions from our readership.There is one major bump in the road that we are currently investigating, and that is the minimum square footage requirements found in most local building codes. These codes as currently written virtually force you to waste materials,and energy by setting minimum home sizes. Although minimum home construction standards are required it is my opinion that the minimum size standards tend to be over regulation. Quality, air circulation, sewer, water and safety,are one thing, but for example, two people do not require 1000 square feet of living space in most cases, as compared to sleeping in a shelter or under a bridge. It's time the local governments "get real" on that subject!The systems that we have designed for our micro home will also be the way of the future because they save billions of dollars in wasted energy, water usage, sewerage disposal, and trash disposal. We are currently working on a near zero trash output per home and total recycling of all waste food products within the home. Actually, the technology for all this is simple, but the problem is getting people to use it. We can accomplish this by tying it to both saving and making money.I would like to close today by telling you that I am currently outlining the first book of which I hope will be a series of them,God willing, about new life styles, home, healthier ways of living, risk free saving for retirement, and starting green businesses's, especially those you and do from home. I hope you will follow along with me on this green journey, and perhaps write to me with suggestions and gripes etc. Let's all think about changing the world for the better!
Walt Barrett

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